

Cyber security incidents: what to do? 

In this article, we will explore what is meant by a cyber security incident. We will start with its definition, classification, and best practices for managing cyber security incidents.

Table of contents 

  • What is meant by a cyber security incident? 
  • Classification of cyber security incidents 
  • Managing cyber security incidents 
  • Cyber security and incidents 
  • Readiness to respond to cyber security incidents 
  • Benefits of high readiness 

Cyber security incidents represent one of the major concerns for modern companies. The increasing adoption of digital tools and the rise in cyber threats make a prompt and effective response to security events essential. In this article, we will explore what is meant by a cyber security incident, starting with its definition, classification, and best practices for managing cyber security incidents. 

What is meant by a cyber security incident?

Definition of a cyber security incident
A cyber security incident is any event that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information. This can include unauthorized access, data loss, malware attacks, and other forms of information compromise. 

Definition according to the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

According to ISO/IEC 27035, a cyber security incident is: 

  • A single security event or a series of unwanted or unexpected events 
  • That have a significant probability of compromising business operations 
  • And undermining the security of information. 

Classification of cyber security incidents 

The classification of cyber security incidents helps to better understand the nature and impact of the event, facilitating a more effective response. Incidents can be classified based on various criteria: 

Type of incident

  • Unauthorized access
    When an individual or system accesses information without authorization. 

  • Data loss
    Loss or theft of sensitive data. 

  • Malware attacks
    Including viruses, ransomware, trojans, etc. 

  • Phishing
    Fraud attempts to obtain sensitive information. 

Origin of the incident

  • Internal
    Caused by employees or internal systems. 

  • External
    Coming from external cybercriminals or hacking attacks. 

Impact of the incident

  • Low
    Incident causing minimal disruption. 

  • Moderate
    Incident partially disrupting business operations. 

  • High
    Incident seriously compromising business operations and causing significant losses. 

Managing cyber security incidents 

Managing cyber security incidents, or incident management, is a critical process for mitigating damage and restoring normal operations. It includes several key phases: 


  • Readiness to respond
    Being ready to respond to any type of incident, including training staff and adopting an incident response plan. 

  • Incident response plan
    A document that outlines the procedures to follow in case of incidents. 


  • Monitoring and detection
    Using monitoring tools to quickly identify security incidents. 

  • Incident reporting
    Establishing a system for immediate reporting of security incidents. 


  • Immediate containment
    Immediate actions to limit the impact of the incident. 

  • Short-term containment
    Temporary measures to prevent the spread of the incident. 


  • Removing threats
    Eliminating the root cause of the incident. 

  • Fixing vulnerabilities
    Addressing vulnerabilities that allowed the incident to occur. 


  • Restoring systems
    Returning to normal operations by restoring compromised systems. 

  • Damage assessment
    Analyzing the impact of the incident on personal data and business operations. 

Lessons learned

  • Post-incident analysis
    Evaluating the incident and the response to identify areas for improvement. 

  • Updating guidelines
    Updating security policies and procedures based on the incident analysis. 

Cyber security and incidents 

Cyber security plays a crucial role in preventing and managing cyber security incidents. Most companies should be prepared to adopt robust preventive measures, including the adoption of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption to protect against cybercriminals. 

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Readiness to respond to cyber security incidents 

Importance of operational readiness
Maintaining an operational readiness state is crucial for companies that want to effectively handle cyber security incidents. The readiness to respond to cyber security incidents is essential for protecting company information and maintaining operational continuity. 

Operational readiness reduces response time, minimizes damage, and improves recovery after an incident. 

Companies can significantly improve their ability to manage and mitigate cyber security incidents through: 

  • Continuous training; 
  • Simulations; 
  • Updating the response plan; 
  • Adopting advanced technologies; 
  • Collaborating with external partners; 
  • Effective communication. 

The following measures can help companies achieve and maintain a high state of readiness: 

Continuous personnel training

  • Workshops and seminars
    Regularly organize workshops and seminars for staff, including IT and security teams, to update them on the latest threats and incident response techniques.

Simulations and incident drills

  • Realistic simulations
    Conduct realistic incident simulations to test the effectiveness of the response plan and identify any gaps. Simulations should cover various scenarios like malware attacks, phishing, and unauthorized access. 
  • Tabletop exercises
    Guided discussions on hypothetical incident scenarios to improve team awareness and preparedness. 

Updating and maintaining the Incident Response Plan

  • Periodic review
    The incident response plan should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect new threats and lessons learned from past incidents. 

  • Involving responsible parties
    Ensure that all business leaders are involved in the plan review to cover all operational areas.

Investments in advanced technologies

  • Threat detection systems
    Implement advanced threat detection systems like IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) to monitor and detect suspicious activity. 
  • Automation of response
    Use solutions for automating incident response to accelerate containment and mitigation actions. 

Collaboration with external partners

  • Cyber intelligence services
    Collaborate with cyber intelligence service providers to get information on emerging threats and how to address them. 

  • Emergency resources
    Establish agreements with external technical and legal support providers to ensure quick assistance during an incident. 

Effective communication

  • Communication plans
    Develop communication plans that outline how information about incidents will be communicated internally and externally, including notification to customers, partners, and authorities. 

  • Crisis Management Team
    Form a crisis management team ready to intervene and manage communication during an incident. 

Benefits of high readiness

Maintaining a high state of readiness to respond to cyber security incidents offers numerous advantages: 

  • Reduced response times
    Improves the company’s ability to quickly respond to incidents, limiting damage. 

  • Minimized damage
    Quickly containing incidents reduces the impact on business operations and reputation. 

  • Improved recovery
    Well-defined recovery procedures help quickly restore normal operations. 

  • Regulatory compliance
    Maintaining readiness helps comply with data protection regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). 

  • Increased customer trust
    Demonstrating effective preparedness for incidents increases customer confidence in the company’s ability to protect their information. 

The cruciality of protecting corporate information

Managing cyber security incidents requires a combination of preparation, rapid and effective response, and continuous improvement of security strategies. A robust incident response plan and maintaining a high state of readiness are essential to protect information and ensure business resilience. 


  1. What is meant by a cyber security incident?
    A cyber security incident is an event that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information. 
  2. What are the phases of managing cyber security incidents?
    The phases include preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and lessons learned. 
  3. How can cyber security incidents be classified?
    Incidents can be classified by type, origin, and impact. 
  4. What role does cyber security play in managing incidents?
    Cyber security helps prevent and manage incidents through protective measures and advanced technologies. 
  5. Why is readiness to respond to incidents important?
    It keeps the company ready to effectively respond to incidents, reducing impact and facilitating recovery. 
  6. What does an incident response plan include?
    An incident response plan includes procedures for identifying, containing, eradicating, and recovering from incidents. 
  7. What are preventive measures against cybercriminals?
    Preventive measures include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, data encryption, and staff training. 
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