

Penetration testing: why every company needs it 

This article explains the importance and distinction between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment.

Ongoing penetration testing

Table of contents

  • Types of penetration tests 
  • Penetration testing process 
  • Benefits of penetration tests for companies 
  • The crucial role of regular penetration testing in corporate cyber security

Penetration testing, also known as penetration test or penetration testing, is a controlled and authorized simulation of a cyber attack on a computer system to assess the security level of the infrastructure. These tests are essential to identify and correct vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by external attackers.

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are complementary but distinct activities; the vulnerability assessment is a passive analysis of known vulnerabilities, while penetration testing involves an active approach to exploit discovered vulnerabilities. 

Types of penetration tests 

Penetration tests are divided into several categories, each with specific methodologies and objectives. It is essential to understand these differences to choose the type of test that best suits the security needs of your company. 

Black box penetration test
In a black box penetration test, the tester has no prior knowledge of the target system. This type of test simulates an external attacker trying to breach security without any internal information. It is useful for assessing the external security of a system and detecting vulnerabilities accessible to anyone from the internet. 


  • Realistic simulation of an external attack. 
  • Identification of easily exploitable vulnerabilities by unauthorized hackers. 


  • May not detect all internal vulnerabilities.
  • Requires more time to gather preliminary information.

White box penetration test
A white box penetration test provides the tester with full access to the source code, system configuration, and other internal information. This approach is ideal for an in-depth analysis of internal security and to identify vulnerabilities that would not be visible to an external attacker. 


  • Comprehensive and detailed analysis of internal vulnerabilities. 
  • Improvement of the security of source code and configurations. 


  • Does not realistically simulate an external attack. 
  • Requires significant resources and time for complete analysis. 

Grey box penetration test
A grey box penetration test combines elements of black box and white box tests, providing the tester with limited knowledge of the operating system, such as partial access credentials or network schemes. This method simulates an attack by an insider or an attacker who has already obtained some level of access to the system. 


  • Balance between realism and depth. 
  • Identification of both internal and external vulnerabilities. 


  • May not fully cover either external or internal aspects. 
  • Requires careful planning to maximize effectiveness. 

Cyber security penetration testing for web applications and operating systems
Cyber security penetration tests should be specifically targeted at web applications and operating systems, two critical components of a company’s IT infrastructure. 

Web Applications

  • SQL injection
    Tests to check if the application is vulnerable to SQL code injections. 
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Tests to identify vulnerabilities that allow the insertion of malicious scripts. 
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    Tests to verify if the application adequately protects against fraudulent requests. 

Operating Systems

  • Misconfigurations
    Checking system configurations to identify incorrect or weak configurations. 
  • Patch management
    Verifying that all security patches are correctly applied. 
  • Permissions and authorizations
    Analyzing access permissions to ensure they are correctly assigned. 

Penetration test cyber security for enterprise infrastructures
This type of test assesses the entire enterprise infrastructure, including networks, servers, devices, and other IT resources. 


  • Network scanning
    Identifying active devices and services on the network. 
  • Sniffing
    Analyzing network traffic to detect unencrypted data and potential intrusion points. 


  • Configuration checks
    Verifying security configurations on servers. 
  • Access policy verification
    Ensuring that access policies are robust and up-to-date. 


  • Mobile device security
    Analyzing security on corporate mobile devices. 
  • IoT device security
    Verifying security on IoT devices connected to the corporate network. 

These tests help companies gain a comprehensive view of their security vulnerabilities, allowing them to strengthen their defenses and protect sensitive data from cyber attacks. 

Ongoing penetration testing on screen

Penetration testing process

Conducting a penetration test requires a methodical and systematic approach to ensure that all potential vulnerabilities are correctly identified and evaluated. The process can be divided into several key phases, each of which plays a crucial role in the overall success of the test. 

Planning and goal definition
The planning phase is essential to establish the foundation of the penetration test. During this phase, the objectives, scope of the test, and necessary resources are clearly defined. 

  • Goal definition
    Identify what you want to achieve from the test, such as assessing the security of a web application or an entire corporate network. 
  • Test scope
    Determine which systems, applications, and networks will be included in the test and which will be excluded. 
  • Resources and team
    Assign the necessary resources and identify team members who will participate in the test, including internal experts and, if necessary, external consultants. 
  • Agreements and permissions
    Obtain the necessary authorizations to conduct the test, ensuring all stakeholders are informed and in agreement. 

Information gathering and analysis of known vulnerabilities
This phase involves collecting data on the target system to better understand its structure and identify potential entry points. 

  • Information gathering
    Use techniques such as network scanning, open port analysis, known vulnerability research, and social engineering to collect relevant data. 
  • Vulnerability analysis
    Use automated and manual tools to identify known vulnerabilities and potential weak points in the system. This analysis may include searching for misconfigurations, missing patches, and outdated software. 

Simulating an attack and exploiting vulnerabilities
In this phase, the tester attempts to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to simulate a real attack. This step is crucial to understand the actual impact of the discovered vulnerabilities. 

  • Exploiting vulnerabilities
    Use real attack techniques to penetrate the system. This can include SQL injection, password brute forcing, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other techniques.
  • Privilege escalation
    Once access is obtained, attempt to escalate privileges to gain greater control over the system, such as administrator access. 
  • Maintaining access
    Implement backdoors or other means to maintain access to the compromised system, simulating the behavior of a persistent attacker. 

Analysis of results and reporting
After completing the attack simulation, the tester analyzes the results to provide a detailed assessment of the discovered vulnerabilities and possible mitigations. 

  • Result analysis
    Examine the data collected during the test to determine the effectiveness of existing security measures and identify critical vulnerabilities. 
  • Documentation
    Prepare a detailed report that includes a description of the discovered vulnerabilities, the method used to exploit them, the potential impact, and recommendations for mitigation. 
  • Presentation of results
    Present the results to company stakeholders, explaining the implications of the discovered vulnerabilities and suggesting corrective actions. 

Post-test and follow-up
After presenting the results, it is important to implement the recommendations and plan a follow-up to ensure the vulnerabilities have been corrected. 

  • Implementing corrections
    Collaborate with IT and development teams to apply the necessary patches and corrections. 
  • Continuous monitoring
    Establish a continuous monitoring program to detect new vulnerabilities and ensure security measures remain effective. 
  • Recurring penetration tests
    Plan periodic penetration tests to maintain a high level of security and address emerging threats. 

These phases constitute a complete and effective penetration testing process essential to ensure the security of a company’s digital resources. Through proper planning, execution, and follow-up, companies can strengthen their defenses against potential cyber attacks. 

Benefits of penetration tests for companies 

Penetration tests offer numerous benefits, including: 

  • Improvement of security levels
    Identification and correction of vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. 
  • Evaluation of security measures
    Verification of the effectiveness of existing security measures. 
  • Reduction of unauthorized access risk
    Prevention of potential cyber attacks. 
  • Compliance with regulations
    Ensuring compliance with cyber security regulations.

Tools and Techniques Used in Penetration Tests 

Penetration tests use a variety of tools and techniques, including: 

  • Open source tools
    Such as Metasploit, Nmap, and Wireshark for information gathering and vulnerability analysis. 
  • White box testing
    Analysis of source code to identify internal vulnerabilities. 
  • Minimizing false positives
    Use of advanced techniques to reduce false positives and ensure accurate results. 
  • Vulnerability assessment
    Implementation of automated security controls for a comprehensive evaluation. 

Case studies and practical applications 

Various case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of penetration tests in preventing cyber attacks. Companies in various sectors have implemented penetration testing with positive results, significantly improving their cyber security. 

The crucial role of regular penetration testing in corporate cyber security

Penetration tests are a critical component of corporate cyber security. Every company should consider the regular implementation of these tests to protect their digital resources. To get started, companies can consult cyber security experts and use online resources for more information and insights. 


  1. What is a penetration test?
    A penetration test is a controlled simulation of an attack to identify and correct security vulnerabilities. 
  2. What is the difference between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing?
    Vulnerability assessment is a passive analysis of vulnerabilities, while penetration testing involves an active approach to exploit vulnerabilities. 
  3. How is a penetration test conducted?
    A penetration test is conducted through phases of planning, information gathering, vulnerability analysis, attack simulation, and reporting. 
  4. What tools are used for penetration testing?
    Common tools include Metasploit, Nmap, and Wireshark. 
  5. Why should companies perform penetration tests regularly?
    To identify and correct vulnerabilities, improve security, and ensure compliance with regulations. 
  6. What are the benefits of a penetration test?
    Improved security levels, reduced risk of attacks, and verification of security measure effectiveness.
  7. Where can I find more information on penetration tests?
    More information can be found by consulting cyber security experts and online resources such as specialized blogs and security websites. 
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