

How to create secure passwords: tips and tools 

In this article, we will explore various strategies, suggest the use of a secure password generator, and provide practical examples. 

Secure password field, complex passwords

Table of contents 

  • Why it is important to create secure passwords 
  • How to create complex passwords 
  • Using a secure password generator 
  • Storing complex passwords 
  • Password security on websites 
  • Examples of secure passwords 
  • Tips for keeping passwords secure 

Creating secure passwords is a fundamental necessity in the digital age where data security is constantly threatened. Using a secure password is the first step to protect your access credentials and personal data. But how can you be sure you have created a truly effective password?

Why it is important to create secure passwords 

Secure passwords are essential for protecting your accounts on various websites. A strong password is a combination of characters that is difficult for anyone to guess when trying to access your data without authorization. The length of the password is one of the main factors to ensure its security; a password should be at least 12 characters long, containing a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols

How to create complex passwords 

Creating complex passwords is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your online accounts. A complex password must be difficult to guess and decipher, which means it must meet several complexity criteria. Here are some detailed guidelines on how to create complex and secure passwords. 

  • Password length 
    The length of the password is one of the most important factors for its security. Passwords should be at least 12 characters long. Longer passwords offer greater resistance against brute force attacks because the number of possible combinations increases exponentially with each added character. 
  • Combination of characters 
    A complex password must include a combination of different characters. This means using uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

A password like “aB3$yT9*Wq1!” is much more secure than a password made up only of letters or numbers. The variety of characters makes the password more difficult to guess and more resistant to brute force attacks. 

  • Avoid personal information 
    It is important to avoid using easily obtainable personal information such as birth dates, usernames, or parts of your address. Hackers often use this information to try to guess passwords. For example, a password like “Mario1990” is much less secure compared to a password like “Xy9#Pq7!Ls3”.
  • Creating a complex password 
    Creating complex passwords is one of the most effective measures to protect your online accounts. By following the guidelines described above and using tools such as secure password generators, you can ensure that your credentials are protected against unauthorized access attempts. Remember, password security is an ongoing responsibility: regularly change your passwords and use advanced security techniques to keep your data safe. 

To create a complex password, you can follow these steps: 

  1. Start with a base
    Choose a phrase or sequence of words that are familiar but not obvious to you. For example, “My cat runs fast”. 
  1. Convert the phrase into a password
    Take the first letters of each word and add numbers and symbols. The phrase “My cat runs fast” could become “McrF123!”. 
  1. Increase complexity
    Replace some letters with numbers and symbols to make the password even more complex. For example, “McrF123!” could become “McrF@1#3!”. 
  1. Verify the length
    Make sure the password is at least 12 characters long. If it is shorter, add additional random characters until you reach the desired length. 
Personal security passwords, security access

Using a secure password generator 

If you find it difficult to create a complex password manually, you can use a secure password generator. These tools are designed to create random and complex passwords that meet all security criteria. For example, a password generator might produce a password like “R8$h7#pL0wK3” which is highly secure and difficult to guess. Each time you need a password quickly, the generator always produces a new one. 

Storing complex passwords 

One of the most common challenges is ensuring that you can create passwords that are easy to remember. Here are some tips for storing complex passwords: 

  • Mnemonic techniques
    Create a phrase that you can easily remember and use the initials of each word, adding numbers and symbols. For example, “I want a vacation in Japan this year!” could become “IwvJtY!2024”. 
  • Password manager 
    Use a password manager to store all your passwords securely. These tools can generate, store, and automatically enter passwords when needed, simplifying credential management. Each example shows a generated password at least 12 characters long that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Using such passwords makes it much harder for malicious people to access your accounts. 

Password security on websites 

Most websites now allow you to check the password security when creating an account. However, you should not rely solely on these measures; it is important that the password is long, complex, and unique for each account. Using the same password for multiple sites compromises the security of your access credentials. 

Examples of secure passwords

Here are some examples of passwords that meet the rules to be secure: 

  • “Jk9#Lz7!MwQ3” 
  • “Xy2$Np8@VbT6” 
  • “Qw4^Zm1&PxY9” 

These passwords are all at least 12 characters long and combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Using such passwords makes it much harder for malicious people to guess or decipher your credentials. 

Tips for keeping passwords secure

In addition to creating complex passwords, it is important to regularly change passwords and not use the same password for more than one account. It is also recommended to use two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible to add an extra layer of security.  


Creating secure passwords is essential for the protection of your personal data and access credentials. Using a secure password generator and following the best practices described, you can significantly increase the security of your accounts. Remember, password security is an ongoing responsibility: regularly updating passwords and adopting advanced security measures are crucial steps to keeping your data safe. 


  1. How can I create a secure password?
    To create a secure password, ensure it is at least 12 characters long and includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 
  2. What is a secure password generator?
    A secure password generator is a tool that automatically creates complex and hard-to-guess passwords, enhancing the security of your accounts. 
  3. What are some examples of secure passwords?
    Examples of secure passwords include “Jk9#Lz7!MwQ3”, “Xy2$Np8@VbT6”, and “Qw4^Zm1&PxY9”. 
  4. How often should I change my password?
    It is recommended to change passwords every three to six months and never use the same password for multiple accounts. 
  5. Why shouldn’t I use my birth date as a password?
    Using your birth date as a password makes it easier for malicious people to guess or decipher your password, compromising the security of your account. 
  6. What can I do if I can’t remember my complex passwords?
    You can use mnemonic techniques or a password manager to manage and remember your complex passwords securely. 
  7. What are the risks of using the same password for multiple accounts?
    Using the same password for multiple accounts means that if one account is compromised, all other accounts using the same password are at risk. 
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