

Crisis Management Team vs. Emergency Response Team

The crisis management team and the emergency response team are two fundamental components of this discipline, each with a specific role in mitigating the negative impacts of a critical event. But what exactly are these teams, how do they operate, and what are their differences? 

Crisis management analysis graph

Table of contents 

  • The crisis management team: what it is and how it works 
  • The emergency response team: what it is and how it works 
  • Differences between the crisis management team and the emergency response team 

Crisis management is a crucial discipline for any organization, large or small, that aims to preserve its reputation and respond effectively to crisis situations.

The crisis management team: what it is and how it works 

The crisis management team (CMT) is a group of professionals selected within an organization tasked with planning, directing, and coordinating responses to a crisis situation. This team is essential to ensure that the company addresses crises in an organized and effective manner, minimizing damage to the company’s reputation and ensuring a rapid recovery. 

Composition of the crisis management team 
The CMT is typically composed of senior executives and specialists from various functional areas of the company. The team members include: 

  • Communications manager
    Handles internal and external communications, ensuring that all information is transmitted clearly and promptly. In a crisis, this role becomes crucial for maintaining the trust of stakeholders and the public. 

  • Human resources manager
    Manages personnel needs during the crisis, such as safety, well-being, and internal communications. This person may also be involved in managing organizational changes necessary to respond to the crisis. 

  • Legal advisor
    Provides legal advice to ensure that all actions taken during the crisis comply with current regulations and laws. This role is essential to avoid legal complications that could aggravate the situation. 

  • Operations manager
    Coordinates business operations to ensure business continuity. During a crisis, this person must ensure that essential activities are maintained and resources are allocated effectively. 

  • IT and security specialist
    Ensures the protection of IT infrastructures and company data. In an era where cyber threats are increasing, protecting digital resources is vital for the stability of the company. 

  • Crisis management leader
    Often a person with specific experience in crisis management who coordinates all team activities and ensures that the crisis management plan is followed. 

Operation of the crisis management team 
The CMT operates following a detailed crisis management plan that has been developed and tested before a crisis occurs. This plan includes specific guidelines on how to respond to various types of crises, identifying the responsibilities of each team member, and outlining the procedures to follow. 

Preparation and planning 
Before a crisis occurs, the CMT focuses on preparation and planning. This includes: 

  • Risk analysis
    Identifying potential threats and assessing their impact on the company. This process helps prioritize resources and develop specific response plans for each type of crisis. 

  • Development of the crisis management plan
    Creating a plan that includes all necessary procedures to respond to a crisis. The plan should cover all aspects of crisis response, from internal and external communication to human resource and operational management. 

  • Training and simulations
    Training CMT members and company staff on how to respond to a crisis. Simulations and crisis exercises are essential to ensure that everyone knows what to do and can act quickly in an emergency. 

Activation during the crisis 
When a crisis situation occurs, the CMT is activated immediately. The initial response phases include: 

  • Situation assessment
    Gathering all available information about the crisis to understand its scope and impact. This initial assessment is crucial to decide on the actions to be taken. 

  • Immediate communication
    Quickly informing all key stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, and the media. Timely and transparent communication helps maintain trust and prevent the spread of misinformation. 

  • Implementation of response procedures
    Following the crisis management plan to address the crisis. This may include measures such as protecting company resources, evacuating buildings, and activating specific emergency procedures. 

Continuous management 
During the crisis, the CMT meets regularly to monitor the situation and make strategic decisions. Key activities include: 

  • Monitoring and updating
    Tracking developments in the crisis and updating the response plan accordingly. This may involve adapting communication strategies and operational actions based on changes in the situation.

  • Resource coordination
    Ensuring that all necessary resources are available and used efficiently. This includes managing human, financial, and material resources. 

  • Continuous communication
    Maintaining constant communication with all stakeholders, providing regular updates and responding to questions. Effective communication is essential to maintain trust and support during the crisis. 

Post-crisis recovery and evaluation 
After the crisis has been resolved, the CMT focuses on recovery and evaluation of the responses provided. Activities include: 

  • Post-crisis analysis
    Evaluating the actions taken during the crisis to identify what worked well and what can be improved. This analysis helps strengthen the crisis management plan for the future. 

  • Restoration of operations
    Ensuring that all business operations return to normal as quickly as possible. This may include repairing infrastructure, supporting affected employees, and resuming business activities. 

  • Final report
    Preparing a detailed report on the crisis that includes causes, responses provided, and lessons learned. This report is a valuable tool for improving preparation and response to future crises. 

The emergency response team: what it is and how it works 

The emergency response team (ERT), on the other hand, is responsible for the immediate operational response during a critical event. This team is composed of personnel trained in safety, medical emergency, and evacuation operations. Their primary task is to ensure the safety of the people involved and minimize material damage during a crisis. 

While the CMT focuses on strategic management, the ERT operates on the ground, implementing the emergency procedures provided by the emergency management plan. This plan includes detailed guidelines on how to handle various crisis scenarios such as fires, explosions, chemical accidents, or natural disasters. The ERT must be ready to respond promptly and in a coordinated manner, often collaborating with local authorities and emergency services. 

Emergency alert

Differences between crisis management team and emergency response team 

Although both teams are crucial for managing a crisis, there are substantial differences between the CMT and the ERT. The CMT has a strategic role and focuses on long-term planning, communication, and protecting the company’s reputation. Their work includes developing a crisis management plan, managing relationships with the media and stakeholders, and overseeing the company’s responses during and after the crisis. 

The ERT, in contrast, is oriented toward immediate and operational action. It deals with the physical safety and protection of company resources during the critical event. While the CMT can make strategic decisions on how to manage a crisis and maintain communication with the public, the ERT performs the practical operations necessary to contain and resolve the crisis. 

In summary, the crisis management team and the emergency response team play complementary roles in crisis management. The CMT develops and implements the crisis management plan, while the ERT ensures that operational responses are executed correctly and in a timely manner. 

Understanding the differences between the crisis management team and the emergency response team is essential for any organization that wants to be prepared to manage a crisis. Both teams must work closely together to ensure that responses are coordinated and that the company can overcome the critical event with the least possible damage to its reputation and physical resources. 


  1. What is the crisis management team?
    The crisis management team is a group of professionals responsible for planning and strategic management during a crisis. This team focuses on preparing the organization to effectively respond to and manage the crisis, thereby minimizing reputational and operational damage. 
  2. What is the role of the emergency response team?
    The emergency response team is responsible for the immediate operational response to ensure the safety of people and minimize material damage. This team operates on the ground, implementing emergency procedures to handle crisis situations such as fires, accidents, and evacuations. 
  3. What are the main differences between the CMT and ERT? 

The CMT: 

  • Focuses on strategic management and communication. 
  • Develops the crisis management plan. 
  • Manages media and stakeholder relations. 
  • Oversees company responses during and after the crisis. 

The ERT: 

  • Focuses on immediate and operational action. 
  • Ensures physical safety and protection of resources. 
  • Implements practical operations to resolve the crisis. 
  • Collaborates with local authorities and emergency services. 
  1. Why is it important to have a crisis management plan?
    A crisis management plan helps prepare the company to respond in a coordinated and effective manner, protecting its reputation and resources. This plan provides structured guidelines for managing crises and minimizing their impact on the organization. 
  2. How do the CMT and ERT interact during a crisis? 

The CMT: 

  • Provides strategic direction and coordination. 
  • Ensures communication with stakeholders. 
  • Adapts plans based on the evolving situation. 

The ERT: 

  • Executes practical operations to contain the crisis. 
  • Ensures immediate safety measures are in place. 
  • Coordinates with external emergency services as needed. 
  1. What skills are necessary for a member of the crisis management team? 
    Skills in: 
  • Communication, 
  • Crisis management, 
  • Strategic planning, 
  • Knowledge of business operations. 
  1. How can social media influence crisis management? 
    Social media is essential for: 
  • Disseminating accurate and timely information, 
  • Managing the public perception of the crisis, 
  • Engaging with stakeholders and the community. 
  1. What is the importance of communication during a crisis? 
  • Effective communication is crucial for: 
  • Maintaining stakeholder trust, 
  • Reducing the negative impact of the crisis, 
  • Ensuring transparency and accountability. 
  1. How can a company prepare for a potential crisis? 
  • Developing a crisis management plan, 
  • Training members of the CMT and ERT, 
  • Conducting regular drills and simulations. 
  1. What are the main objectives of crisis management? 
  • Protect the company’s reputation, 
  • Ensure the safety of people and resources, 
  • Restore normal operations quickly and efficiently. 
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