

EU-CyCLONe: the European cyber security network 

EU-CyCLONe is crucial to respond quickly to large-scale incidents and manage crises in a coordinated manner, ensuring the security of Europe's digital ecosystem. With the support of the European Commission, ENISA and governments, it continues to strengthen preparedness and resilience against cyber threats, demonstrating that collaboration is essential to meet future challenges.

Commissione Europea

Table of contents

  • EU-CyCLONe: the European network for cyber crisis management
  • A network to respond in a timely manner
  • Objectives and key functions
  • ENISA’s role and practical exercises
  • EU-CyCLONe: a network for the future of cyber security

EU-CyCLONe: the European network for cyber crisis management

EU-CyCLONe, an acronym for European Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network, is an essential tool for managing cyber security crises at the European level. 

The network, formalized with the entry into force of the NIS2 Directive, was created to strengthen collaboration among member states in handling large-scale cyber incidents and attacks. 

A network to respond in a timely manner

EU-CyCLONe consists of representatives from national authorities responsible for managing cyber security crises and, in significant events, includes the European Commission as an observer or active participant. 

Through a timely information-sharing system and a shared situational awareness, the network aims to support coordinated responses to attacks that could severely impact essential services and critical activities. 

The President of the EU Council, through their representative, acts as the coordinator of this network, supported by the European Union Agency for Cyber security (ENISA), which serves as the network’s secretariat. 


Objectives and key functions

EU-CyCLONe was established to manage critical events that exceed national response capabilities by coordinating actions at both operational and political levels. Its primary functions include: 

  • Coordinating the management of large-scale cyber incidents, ensuring a continuous flow of information among member states and EU institutions. 
  • Enhancing preparedness for large-scale cyber crises through exercises and shared protocols. 
  • Creating a common situational awareness essential for understanding the real-time impact of incidents. 
  • Proposing mitigation measures to reduce the damage caused by cyberattacks. 
  • Supporting political decision-making in crisis contexts. 
  • Analyzing and comparing national plans for responding to major cyber incidents. 

ENISA’s role and practical exercises

ENISA provides the technical tools, infrastructures, and logistical support necessary to ensure effective cooperation among EU-CyCLONe members. Additionally, it regularly organizes exercises such as CySOPex and BlueOLEx, targeted respectively at operators and policymakers in member states. 

These practical exercises aim to test standard operating procedures, identify potential gaps, and improve the capacity for information sharing and crisis response. 

EU-CyCLONe: a network for the future of cyber security

The importance of a network like EU-CyCLONe is clear. The ability to respond promptly to large-scale incidents and manage crises in a coordinated manner is a fundamental pillar for ensuring the stability and security of Europe’s entire digital ecosystem. 

With the support of institutions such as the European Commission, ENISA, and member state governments, EU-CyCLONe continues to work on strengthening preparedness and resilience against cyber threats, demonstrating how collaboration is key to tackling future challenges. 

Questions and answers

  1. What is EU-CyCLONe? 
    It is the European network for managing cyber crises, created to coordinate responses to large-scale incidents. 
  1. When was EU-CyCLONe formalized? 
    On January 16, 2023, with the entry into force of the NIS2 directive. 
  1. Who coordinates EU-CyCLONe? 
    The EU Council Presidency through a representative, supported by ENISA. 
  1. What is the role of the European Commission? 
    It participates as an observer or active participant in significant incidents. 
  1. What are the main objectives of EU-CyCLONe? 
    Coordinating cyber crisis management, enhancing preparedness, and promoting information sharing among member states. 
  1. What role does ENISA play in EU-CyCLONe? 
    It provides technical and organizational support and coordinates practical exercises. 
  1. What are CySOPex and BlueOLEx? 
    They are exercises organized by ENISA to test the operational and policy capacities of network members. 
  1. What incidents does EU-CyCLONe manage? 
    Large-scale cyber incidents and crises that exceed national response capabilities. 
  1. How does EU-CyCLONe contribute to cyber security? 
    By creating a common understanding of crises and proposing mitigation measures to minimize damage. 
  1. What is the future of EU-CyCLONe? 
    Strengthening resilience and response capacity at the European level, ensuring digital security in an increasingly complex environment. 
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