

Safe use of social networks in a professional context 

This article aims to assist professionals by clarifying some basic concepts and protecting them from attacks that could compromise sensitive data, such as identity theft. The use of social networks in a professional context is now a well-established reality, offering numerous opportunities for networking, marketing, and communication. However, the associated security [...]


What is phishing and how to recognize it 

In this article, we go into what type of attack is known as ‘phishing’, exploring its different forms, learning how to recognise them, and providing you with effective strategies to protect yourself against this type of scam. The term 'phishing' is a variant of 'fishing'. This describes how fraudsters 'bait [...]


Legal aspects of cyber security: what you need to know 

Cyber security is a shared responsibility among governments, companies, and citizens. Strengthening the security of information and networks is fundamental to ensuring data protection and resilience against cyber threats. International cooperation and the adoption of effective regulations are key elements to addressing cyber security challenges and building a secure and [...]


Cyber security for SMEs 

In this article, we will understand why it is crucial for Italian SMEs to adopt adequate measures to protect their sensitive data and ensure the security of their operations. If you are a young entrepreneur, you surely know that cyber security has become an essential priority for small and medium-sized [...]


Data security in corporate mobile devices 

This article provides a guide with a detailed overview of data security in corporate mobile devices, exploring best practices and strategies to protect sensitive information. The increasing prevalence of corporate mobile devices has made data security a top priority for businesses worldwide. Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices have become [...]


Freelancer security: protecting independent work 

For freelancers, security is crucial. Freelancing offers numerous freedoms and opportunities, but it also entails a series of security risks. Freelancer security is a significant concern for anyone working independently online. Protecting one's work and data should be a priority to ensure the continuity and success of one's activities. This [...]


Spear phishing: recognizing and preventing targeted phishing 

The term "spear phishing" refers to a highly targeted form of phishing where attackers focus on specific individuals or organizations. They use detailed information to make their attacks more credible and personal. While traditional phishing casts a wide net to catch as many victims as possible, spear phishing is like [...]


Online payment security: how to pay safely guide for merchants and consumers 

Security in online payment systems is a crucial issue for both merchants and consumers. This guide will explore various aspects of online payment security, providing practical tips and essential information to ensure secure transactions. With the increase in digital transactions, it is essential to adopt effective security measures to protect [...]


Security threats in smart homes: what you need to know 

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to improve quality of life by offering comfort, energy efficiency, and remote control through apps. This article explores various aspects of security in smart homes, highlighting the main threats and how best to protect your smart home.  With the rise [...]


How to manage IoT device security in the company 

In the realm of cyber security, protecting IoT devices has become a priority for companies. Compromised devices can serve as access points for broader attacks. Implementing effective security measures is essential to prevent such threats and ensure a high level of security. The Internet of Things (IoT) represents one of the [...]


Best practices for web application security 

To protect sensitive data and ensure a secure software life cycle, it is essential to follow a series of development and security implementation practices. In this article, we will explore the best practices to ensure web app security, providing useful tips for developers and cyber security professionals.  Web application security [...]


Identity and access management in companies 

In an era where digitization pervades every sector, managing access and identities in a company is crucial to ensuring the security of sensitive information and corporate resources. Implementing an access management system in a company is fundamental to protecting corporate data and ensuring that only authorized users can access the [...]


How to conduct an IT security risk assessment 

In this article, we will explore the three stages of the risk assessment process and how to conduct an IT security risk assessment. Risk assessment is an essential process to ensure information security within an organization. It involves identifying and analyzing potential risks that can threaten the company's IT assets. [...]


Home Wi-Fi protection: tips for secure Wi-Fi and making your network impenetrable 

In this article, we will explore how to secure your home Wi-Fi network and provide practical tips for creating an impenetrable network. In an increasingly connected world, protecting your home Wi-Fi network is essential to safeguard your sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. But what does secure Wi-Fi mean? It [...]


GDPR and data security 

In this article, we will understand why GDPR not only aims to ensure the security of personal data but also to strengthen the rights and freedoms of individuals. It sets a new global standard in terms of data privacy and security. Personal data protection: GDPR privacy and security: The General [...]


Security in industrial control systems 

This article will explain the main risks associated with industrial control systems and solutions to improve safety. Security in industrial control systems is a crucial topic in an era where automation and digitalization are transforming production processes. With the advent of Industry 4.0, the connection between the physical and digital [...]


Penetration testing: why every company needs it 

This article explains the importance and distinction between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment. Penetration testing, also known as penetration test or penetration testing, is a controlled and authorized simulation of a cyber attack on a computer system to assess the security level of the infrastructure. These tests are essential to [...]


The benefits of security standards like ISO 27001 

In an increasingly connected world where data has become the most valuable resource, information security is a top priority for any organization. In this scenario, international standards like ISO 27001 are fundamental tools for effectively managing risks and protecting information assets. 


Cyber security open source: advantages and limitations 

In this article we explore the adoption of open source cyber security tools that has become a well-established practice in many IT environments. These tools provide a diverse range of functionalities that enhance the security of IT infrastructures, from web applications to network security. One of the main advantages of [...]


Simulations of hacker attacks: training for cyber attacks 

With the exponential increase in cyber attacks, training to face such threats through hacker attack simulations has become essential. In the modern world, cyber threats represent one of the greatest challenges for companies, governments, and individuals. In this context, we explore the different types of cyber attacks, how to prepare [...]


BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies

In recent years, the concept of BYOD, an acronym for "Bring Your Own Device," has gained increasing popularity among companies worldwide. This article will delve into what BYOD is, the benefits it offers, the security risks it poses, and the best practices for managing mobile devices in corporate networks. The [...]


Ransomware attacks: how to prevent them and protect businesses 

This article explains why ransomware attacks represent a serious threat to businesses worldwide. The key to protection is prevention through the implementation of robust security measures and continuous employee training. Despite the severe consequences these attacks can have, a rapid and well-planned response can mitigate the damage and help the [...]


Security patch management: best practices for companies 

This article will ecplain what security patches are, the importance of patch management, and the best practices to ensure the continuous protection of corporate systems. Security patch management is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of company IT systems. With the increase in cyberattacks and vulnerabilities, it is essential that [...]


Endpoint security: protecting end devices in the corporate network 

In this article, we will understand the crucial role of Endpoint Security in protecting the corporate network. It not only prevents data breaches but also safeguards the company's integrity and reputation. Endpoint security represents a crucial element in protecting corporate networks, especially in an era where cyber threats are constantly [...]

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